Galapagos Photos
Bartolome Island
Pool, Bartolome Island
Rabida Island
South Plazas Island
Magnificent Frigate Birds, North Seymour
Yellow Warbler, Puerto Egas
Brown Pelican, Bartolome
Galapagos Dove, Gemelos Sink Hole, Santa Cruz
Lava Heron with Sally Lightfoot Crab, Puerto Egas
Injured Brown Pelican, Rabida
Nesting Brown Pelicans, Rabida
Great Blue Heron, Cerro Dragon
Blue-Footed Booby, North Seymour
Blue-Footed Boobies, North Seymour
Galapagos Penguin, Bartolome
Flamingoes Sleeping, Cerro Dragon
Flamingoes Eating, Cerro Dragon
Marine Iguana, Cerro Dragon
Marine Iguanas, Puerto Egas
Land & Marine Iguanas, South Plazas
Climbing Land Iguana
Sunning Land Iguana
Resting Land Iguana
Feeding Land Iguana
Climbing Land Iguana
Walking Land Iguana
Marine Mammals
Galapagos Sea Lion, South Plazas
Land Iguana & Sea Lion, South Plazas
Walking Giant Tortoise, Darwin Res. Sta.
Giant Tortoise Descending Stairs, Darwin Res. Sta.
Sunning Giant Tortoise, Darwin Res. Sta.
Galapagos photos by Chris Burge and Immaculata De Vivo (Belmont, MA)